Honbu Tsunami Renmei
-strona główna

ZBROŃSKI Peter, a candidate for Tsunami master, Warsaw, Poland, Europe






Surname and name:  Zbroński Peter  

Place in which he lives, country and continent: 

                       Warsaw, Poland, Europe
Occupation:  schoolboy

PracticingTsunami: practices Tsunami

                       in Honbu Dojo (Central Tsunami

                       School) in Warsaw                   



                                            Statement on the subject of Tsunami:


      My masters, sensei Renata Murat 1 dan and soke Richard Murat 10 dan conduct classes splendidly. We work hard on every training.




Thanks to appropriately selected exercises in Tsunami one can attains large achievements:
in health, efficiency and condition. Peter Zbroński - 9 years old, is the example
of those achievements. On 18 october 2009 he beat up a real record of fitness test
in his own group age, making 257 stand-ups. 


This is an endurance exercise, developing especially leg muscles showing both great
power and general efficiency. This exercise, beside many others, is applied on every
training in Tsunami in the final part called Tokucho (physical exercises).


In the photo: Peter Zbroński doing mentioned above exercise in Honbu Dojo (Central Tsunami School) in Warsaw. Apart from him there are soke Richard Murat 10 dan and known cardiologist sensei Andrew Krupienicz 1 dan (the profesor of Warsaw Medical University, prominent specialist of pacemakers, and from whose textbook about pacemakers cardiologists learn),

who eye-witnessed this record.  Both were impressed about huge efficiency and condition

of Peter Zbroński and his courage, rarely seen at his age. At the time of taking this memorial photograph the father of Peter, Paul Zbroński, has also been present, being proud

                                                   of his junior son’s achievements.

Peter Zbroński practices Tsunami in Honbu Dojo in Warsaw

and he is a talented junior - a real candidate to be a master.


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 realizacja: =weBZet=  telefon/phone: [48] 22 615-71-46 e-mail:ryszard.murat@gmail.com