Honbu Tsunami Renmei
-strona główna

NOLEWAJKA Ann, a candidate for Tsunami master, Bytom, Poland, Europe






Surname and name:  NOLEWAJKA Ann 

Place in which he lives, country and continent: 

                         Bytom, Poland, Europe
Occupation:  schoolgirl

PracticingTsunami: practices Tsunami

                         in Silesia Karate Tsunami Center

                         in Bytom                   



                                           Statement on the subject of Tsunami:


   Why do I train Karate Tsunami?


   Because it’s impossible to cut corners on life… Karate Tsunami, but kata in particular teaches perfection, helps you gain control over your body and mind aside from strengthening my sense of safety, self-defense’ skills and keeping my body fit. Karate Tsunami helps me exceed my mental and physical limitations, increase my physical strength but also teaches humility towards life.

         juniorzy       Ann Nolewajka in consecutive Karate Tsunami Polish Championship achieve top positions in different competitions.

On photo: medals are handed during V Polish Championship (which took place on 14-15th November in Łowicz, Poland)

in Kata Tsunami competition in junior women category. Ann Nolewajka (Bytom) won gold medal, Justin Kudła (Krosno) silver, and Alexandra Rogalska (Krosno) brown.




Ann Nolewajka’s and her friends' achievements in sport from Silesia Karate Tsunami Center appreciate Bytom’s President, Peter Koj (third from the left). On 10th December 2009 he congratulated them during special meeting in his office on their achievements in V Open Karate Tsunami Polish Championship – Łowicz 2009. From left: Catharine Kliber (younger juniors), Ann Nolewajka (juniors), Daniel Wrodarczyk (juniors), Kamil Kaczmar (older juniors) and Andrew Kaczmar (masters).


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