Honbu Tsunami Renmei
-strona główna

PEPŁAWSKI Bogdan, a candidate for Tsunami master, Staroźreby, Poland, Europe






Surname and name:  PEPŁAWSKI Bogdan 

Place in which he lives, country and continent: 

                         Staroźreby, Poland, Europe
Occupation:  retired officer of the State Fire-


PracticingTsunami: practices Tsunami

                         in the Staroźreby Tsunami Center


   Position in Tsunami: secretary of the Staroźreby Tsunami Center



                                           Statement on the subject of Tsunami:


   I started training Karate Tsunami in Płock in 1980, that is directly at the beginning of this style’s development. Unfortunately, after two years of trainings because of personal reasons I had to stop practicing this style, what I greatly regret. If I had been training for all those years, I would have become the Tsunami master.


   After 26 years break, my warm-hearted colleague – Bogdan Marcinkowski - talked me once more into Karate Tsunami trainings. We organized Karate Tsunami club in Staroźreby, which we named “Shuriken” (jap. “star”).


   Currently I’m 50 years old and I think, that Tsunami can be practiced at any age. Thanks to Tsunami training one can greatly improve efficiency and capacity of one’s body, improve the condition, and release negative emotions and get rid of aggression.


   My family, that is my son and daughter, also started practicing Tsunami, what I’m proud of. I’m certain, that both of them will have much greater successes  in Tsunami than their father, who tries to interest them in Tsunami.




Bogdan Pepławski started training Tsunami

even in 1980 in Płock Tsunami Center. He received

then from soke Richard Murat member identity card

No. 000035.


 From left: archival Karate Tsunami identity card

of Bogdan Pepławski No. 35.


From right: actual Karate Tsunami

pass of Bogdan Pepławski.




 Bogdan Pepławski

(in the center) with his daughter Isabel and son Michael during special training in Honbu Dojo (Central School of Karate Tsunami) in Warsaw on 19 April 2009. From left: sensei Arthur Marcinkowski

1 dan (instructor in Staroźreby Tsunami Center and Pepławski family teacher), from right: soke Richard Murat 10 dan (Warsaw) – Karate Tsunami founder and President of Federation.


  Bogdan Pepławski starts in consecutive Karate Tsunami Polish Championship and achieve top positions in different competitions. During V Open Karate Tsunami Polish Championship he won both gold and silver medal, along with titles

of Champion and Vice Champion. On photo: on podium after decoration with medals in group Kata Tsunami competition, senior’s category, in which Bogdan Pepławski (on podium in the foreground) won silver medal in the Staroźreby Tsunami Center team colors. From left: Paul Kurczak (Łowicz), Adam Heince (Łowicz), Wojciech Koza (Łowicz), Bogdan Marcinkowski (Staroźreby) and Christopher Szymborski (Staroźreby). Persona handing medals: great master of vinx xuan style

Nquyen Ngoc Noi 10 dan (Hanoi, Vietnam) and priest renshi Gregory Badziąg OFMCap. 4 dan (Krosno) –

Polish Championship chaplain.

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